There are many fellowship opportunities throughout the year for the church. From fellowship meals, Christmas celebration, picnics, camping outing to many more events, you’ll find a host of exciting opportunities to gather as our church community. Browse through our ministry sections for more information.
Sunday School
We believe Sunday School plays a vital role in equipping each believer with the tools to properly understand the Bible. A study of God’s Word will encourage the Christian in their walk with God. At First Baptist Church, we offer classes for every member of your family. Using curriculum from Answers in Genesis we journey through the Bible chronologically.

Whether you are an individual searching to understand God, a new Christian just starting this journey of faith, or a seasoned Christian desiring a yet deeper relationship with God, we encourage you to be a part of our Sunday School, meeting each Sunday at 9:30 a.m.
Women's Ministry
RefresHer is the women’s ministry of First Baptist Church that meets once a month (March – November) for a time to encourage one another in Bible study and fellowship. We use a variety of study books written by authors such as Jen Wilken, Elyse Fitzpatrick, Erin Davis and many others along with the Bible as we commit to know God better.

Come Relax in fellowship, Renew in God’s Word, and leave Refreshed!
The purpose of our Women’s Ministry is to meet the spiritual, physical, and emotional
needs of women at First Baptist Church of Spring Valley and within our surrounding
communities. This ministry is designed to encourage women to grow in their faith in
Christ, to develop and strengthen intimate friendships with other women, and to provide
opportunities of serving with our church and reaching women of our community for
Contact us for meeting times each month.
Other activities, such as retreats, outings, and special event meals, are scheduled throughout the year.
Men's Ministry
The men’s ministry is dedicated to glorifying God by men exhorting and encouraging one another in spiritual leadership. Breakfasts are held and retreats are attended where men gather and grow in their walk with God.

Children's Ministry
Join us for a great time of fun at AWANA Clubs each Wednesday, September - May @ 6:30 - 8:00 PM
AWANA helps churches and parents work together to develop spiritually strong
children who faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Children learn respect for God and the
authority of God’s Word and how to live in light of God’s grace. Incorporate this
teaching into a safe environment of exciting games and caring leaders and your
children will have great fun!
Cubbies ® (age 3-5) celebrates the spiritual potential of preschoolers by helping them develop respect for God, His Son and His Word.
Sparks ® (K-grade 2) ignites the curiosity of early elementary-age kids to learn about the people and events of the Bible, building a foundation of wisdom for knowing Christ.​

T&T (Grades 3-6) engages third- through sixth-graders by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ's grace.
Vacation Bible School
We enjoy hosting kids from the community in a week of exciting lessons and activities to learn about God.

Children's Church
The children are dismissed following the song service each Sunday morning for a time of worship and instruction geared for their age.